Jordi Marcè

Urban Improvement Plan Cap Ras, Llança. Girona, Spain

The initial approval of the PDUSNS, on December 2, 2019, led to the suspension of the processing of derived urban plans, urban management and urbanization projects, as well as the granting of parcels of land licenses and other specific municipal authorizations for the entire scope of the aforementioned Master Plan.
However, article 102.4 of the RLUC explicitly provides that while the processing of procedures and the granting of licenses in application of article 71.2 of the RLUC is suspended, the instruments can be processed and licenses based on the current regime can be processed.
It is precisely this that is intended with the processing of this Urban Improvement Plan, which comes to comply with the determinations of the PDUSNS, and specifically with that provided in article 88.2 of the PDUSNS Regulations to regulate and specify the volumetric composition, facades and common private spaces.
This PMU does not alter the uses, urban charges, nor the fundamental structure of the general urban planning.
Year: 2020
Location: Girona, Spain
Surface: 10.915,79 m2